All these resources can be viewed as flipbooks – so you can preview every page.
To download, make your selection by adding to the cart, and then click “CHECKOUT“. Complete the Checkout and you will receive an email with the download link for each item.
Here’s a list of what is currently available:
- Marriage Matters (small book)
- Marriage God’s Way (set of 8 booklets)
- Parenting God’s Way (set of 8 booklets)
- Parenting God’s Way – PowerPoint Presentations
- Every Home an Embassy of the Kingdom (booklet)
File Format
Most files are all in A5 format as PDF files and can be printed on a normal printer on A4 paper. Open the file in your PDF reader (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader), select “PRINT” and then select “BOOKLET” mode. Generally each one is about 24 pages (including the cover) which requires 6 or so sheets of A4, double-sided printed. (The exception is “Marriage Matters” which is a small book of 74 pages.)
PowerPoint presentations are in Microsoft PowerPoint PPTX format.
Why Booklets?
Marriage God’s Way and Parenting God’s Way are each a set of booklets (plus a user guide) for three main reasons:
- In a SOHO (Small Office, Home Office) setting, it is easier to print and bind/staple individual booklets than to produce one volume
- A short print run of booklets is far more affordable and cost-effective than a short print run of books for both us as the publisher and you as the user
- Using one booklet at a time is less intimidating to participants than one large volume